
We strive for accessibility and immediacy so that our users have all the information that they need at all times to find out the detail of the costs of our service. For this reason, in our invoices you will find:

Here you will find the details about the invoicing company, contact telephone numbers, website and quality information, distinguished by symbols to help reading.

In the left part all contract details are showned, such as the reference number, contract holder’s name and full address to be supplied to. On the right hand side you will find full postal details. If the client has not specified a different residence, by default it will be sent to the address to be supplied to.

In this part you can find the invoice number, the date that it was sent, and the ordinal number of the invoiced period in the year that is being invoiced, as well as the frequency of invoicing.

This part includes a graph with the evolution of consumption corresponding to the last year in m3. We also provide the series number, caliber and nominal flow of the installed meter as well as the initial and final dates, with it is corresponding meter readings, which determine the consumption to be invoiced. Finally, we include information about the cost per half day in €, during the invoiced period and we indicate the approximate date for the next invoice.

We include a summary of the amounts invoiced by entities. We also show the relation of official publications of the tariffs applied in the invoice, as well as the associated coefficient correctors in those cases which are associated.

We indicate the largest and clearest amount and we add a graph with the distribution of different entities invoiced in percentages, in a way that you can see exactly what you are being billed for in graphic form via your water bill.

In this space we inform you if there are any outstanding invoices that have not yet been paid.

This space will show:
a) Direct debit details or the bar code for payment in a bank,
b) Payment options,
c) Limit for payment.
d) Details of closest office to your residence and their opening hours.

Here you will be able to see details of your invoice, breaking down concepts of supply, rates and models.

Consumption quota

This is the quantity of water consumed multiplied by the price of m3 that must be paid to the supplying company of drinking water. In some populations there are different layered tariffs according to the stretch of consumption. The superior blocks have higher tariffs. VAT is applied at 10%.

Quota of the service

This is the fixed cost that comes from having water at your disposal every time you turn on the tap, even if you consume nothing, because an important part of the service costs is fixed and independent of whether or not there is consumption or not. This amount is paid to the company which supplies drinking water and depends on the caliber of the meter installed. VAT is applied at 10%.

Conservation quota

This is the fixed cost for maintenance, conservation and substitution of the meter as a result of natural wear and tear, and hiring when it is the property of the managing company. VAT is applied at 21%.

Other concepts

The invoice, in accordance with the population, may include other concepts such as transition tariffs for investments, regulators, consumption quota for the sewage system etc. VAT will be applied depending on the concept.

Rates and models

Among the different models invoiced are the following:

Sanitation Model / Generalitat Valenciana

Collected by the account of the Generalitat Valenciana, destined to cover the cost of treatment and purification of residual water as well as the building of treatment plants for residual water. Residual water must be treated and purified in a way that is does not harm the environment. The Generalitat Valenciana is the institution in charge of building appropriate installations for this purpose, as well as their exploitation and maintenance. The consumption quota depends on the m3 of water consumed.

This is the total of all concepts previously mentioned.

In this part we add information for the client, especially updating of information, relevant information about the water supply, modifications to opening hours etc.

In this part of the invoice we inform our clients of any news that may be of interest, such as the virtual office, Mobile APP, digital invoicing etc, incorporating codes to amplify the information.