Global Omnium has a large turnover in the construction of the hydraulic work aimed at both improvement and renovation of networks, such as the construction of treatment plants.
The Management of Engineering of Global Omnium has the following main tasks, both for its own works and for companies outside the group:
- Drafting of technical reports and studies
- Drafting of projects and execution
- Project management
Among the main activities, we should highlight all the works related to the construction and expansion of wastewater and treatment plants. In this sense, the construction and expansion of plants is included, with technologies of desalination.
Conservation, maintenance and/or expansion of networks, both of drinking water distribution and sanitation, with the appropriate pumping or regulation facilities, are another important aspect of the daily activity.
Among the developed projects is the expansión of the residual water plant to obtain water in Qatar, revisión fo the water treatment system for vital support of species in the Oceanográfico de València, the third module Project in Picassent (Valencia) and the channeling work for the interconnection of the adduction tuve in Mislata-València, among many others.