
The Global Omnium Group manages 308 wastewater treatment plants located in different autonomous communities. The plants in Pinedo (Valencia), QuartBenager (Valencia), as well as those located in Cantabria, Barcelona, Tarragona, Seville, Murcia, Burgos, Girona, Lleida, Huesca, Teruel and Zaragoza stand out.

Pinedo Plant

Tertiary and biological wastewater treatments are performed here. The resulting treated water is a major commitment for Global Omnium: the environmental sustainability and improvement of the areas in which it operates. Thus, water is used for periodical refills of Lake Albufera, ensuring its ecological recovery, and for agricultural use of the area in order to boost the local economy.

The population served by Pinedo Plant is over one million people, generating 70.000 tons of dry waste, and 117 hm3 per year are treated, a challenge to one of the most important plants in Spain for treatment volume and by subsequent work done with purified water.

Thus, the treated water from this plant becomes the main supply for irrigation of rice fields in the north of Lake Albufera, also known as the Acequia del Oro.

Quart de Benager Plant

This plant treats the flow of the municipalities of Quart de Poblet, Aldaya Xirivella, València, Alaquas, Manises and Mislata, with an annual handling capacity of 11,318,578 m3.

In it, biological water treatments -once purged- are performed, and intended for agricultural use as well as destined to Lake Albufera, while preserving the quality of supplied water and contributing to the ecological recovery of this area, likewise the purified water leaving the Pinedo Plant.

The Quart de Benager Plant serves a population of 173,000 people, generates 2,561,986 kilos of dry matter, and a sludge drying capacity of 30,000 tons annually.

Currently, the Quart de Benager Plant produces biogas combining muds and agroalimentary wastes, meriting the Silver and Gold Bioenergy awards, respectively, in the 2012 and 2013 editions of Genera.