Social projects
The social responsibility of Global Omnium is a real responsibility. Proof of this is its active participation in foundations and organizations that promote quality management, environment, energy efficiency and R & D collaboration and continuous support for social entities performing their work with the needy
For Global Omnium, social commitment is a priority. Our awareness about the context reality in which we work has taken us to achieve numerous agreements and partnerships with associations and social organizations of regional, national and international range, with the aim of supporting the great work they do every day with the most disadvantaged.
An example of the solidarity of this business group with the people who have experienced humanitarian catastrophes the trobem in the UKRAINE solidarity action x 2, in collaboration with the Columbus Foundation continues to help the Ukrainian xiquets with rare maladies who have made to suspend them seus tractaments because of the war.
Global Omnium is also involved with social work that Intermon and Novaterra, are developing with other charities, in collaboratio with Casa de la Caridad de Valencia (House of Charity).
Environment and Business
The Group also has partnerships with many entities linked to the protection of the environment, such as the Fundación Valenciana de la Calidad and is a member of the Committee on Environment of the Confederation of Business Organizations of the Valencian Community (CIERVAL) and the Innovation Club of Valencia Community.
Among the agreements reached, there is one signed with the Fundación Empresa y Clima, an organization dedicated to helping companies address the problems and challenges required by environmental regulations and climate change, a commitment that is well understood by Global Omnium.
So much so that the group avoids annually the emission of 4,200 tonnes of CO2, one of the main causes of the greenhouse, the result of the optimization carried out both in the production and supply of drinking water, and in its subsequent purification and treatment .
In this line of environmental protection, Global Omnium also develops various projects among which the holding with Limne Foundation for the recovery of biodiversity in the Ribera Del Turia.
This environmental project, to recover native species of one of the two rivers that supply the city of Valencia and its metropolitan area, is taken forward with actions of corporate volunteering, involving the eradication of invasive species, cleaning and restocking of future typical species of the Mediterranean ecosystem.