Frequently asked questions
A subscriber is any physical juridical body who has formalized a contract for the provision of water with the providing company.
The service subscriber is the natural or legal person that formalizes the water supply contract with the supplier.
Is the identification number of the subscriber. Is the company number assigned to a subscriber when it formalizes the water supply contract. This number is the one that helps us to quickly locate the contracted subscription.
On the invoice it appears at the top left, where it says 'Referencia'.
According to Articles 32 and 33 of Law 3/2004 of Regulation and Promotion of Quality of June 30, 2004 (BOE 174 of 20/07/2004) supply companies cannot subscribe contracts for supplies to buildings lacking a license.
According to Article 226 of Law 5/2014 of Territory Planning, Urbanism and Landscape of the Community of 25 July 2014 (BOP 231 of 23.09.2014) supply companies will require the owner of the work or activity, an accreditation for the relevant instruments of urban and environmental intervention to enable the holder to perform the work or exercise activity in the location.
You may activate water supply via our telephone hotline (96 386 06 00), or via our network of Customer Services offices. In the section Contracting, you will find all the information related to activation water supply, according to your location.
Within 48 working hours after formalizing the contract, unless unforeseen access to the property, contact with the subscriber, or any other technical or administrative problem imputable to the owner or subscriber.
In most populations, the amount invoiced on a contract includes the following items: administrative costs, installation and placement of the meter, and the corresponding security. You can check the exact amount of the subscription fee for a given population in our customer service phone 96 386 06 00.
If you provide us with a contact telephone number we will always be able to contact you in relation with any incident related to your supply or to ask you for more information where necessary.
If you provide a phone number we can always contact you before any incident related to your supply or procedures in force.
To make arrangements online through the virtual office and receive mail correctly, as well as notifications (registered letters can only be picked up by the contractor).
The change of ownership is free except for those populations where a municipal fee is charged.
A contract may be subrogated in any of these three scenarios:
- Death of people. Their marriage partner or partner can subrogate, children, full stepchildren, brothers, parents and siblings who have regularly lived in the house at least for two years before the date of death. Two years will not be mandatory in the cases of who were subject to the custody of the deceased, neither for the marriage partner or heirs.
- For transformation or merging of legal entities.
- For separation or divorce for the party with the right of use and enjoyment of the home, following judgment or agreement.
There is a maximum of six months from the date of the event, where the request of subrogation can be called for; in all cases there should be no debt pending at the home to be subrogated or at any other address of the new owner.
You can unsubscribe from the supply via the customer service number (963 860 600), our virtual office (through this channel only if you are the owner of this contract), or our customer services offices network. In the section ‘Requirements’ you will be able to find all the information you need according to your population.
It is one bill that is generated when a request is made for removal from the water supply. Comprises the time period from the last invoice billed until the date of the request.
The company will send the notifications and invoices of the supply by email to the address. By default, it is the same supply.
The holder of the supply can modify the address of notifications by accessing the Virtual Office or by calling the customer service telephone number.
We suggest you join the commitment to the environment with the activation of PDF invoices and electronic notifications in your email. Link to High Invoice PDF
Reading must take into account that there are two formats for reading. Regardless of the format of the counter, only digits in black are considered when making a reading (reading in m3).
- Digits meters: readings will be given considering solely those digits in black.
- Arrows meters: readings will be given considering solely the arrows of black color.
So that we can invoice you correctly and precisely in accordance with what you have consumed and avoid taking estimated readings which may read more or less than the reality.
- Through this website in the readings section of the Virtual Office
- Completing and mailing the self-reading card that the operator leaves at home when he/she was unable to access the inside of your home
- Through our customer service number (96.386.06.00)
- In any of our customer service offices
The staff of the company is identified with the corresponding card company, which will be required to show to the subscriber whenever it is requested.
That which is obtained from the power meter reading. It can be taken by the reader or provided by the subscriber.
This is the reading used for invoicing if we were unable to obtain the actual reading. There are several reasons why we might not be able to obtain a reading.
- Inability to access the meter.
- Meter in a place which requires a specific key and nobody gives us access.
- Breakdown of meter.
- Invoicing period inferior to reading period established in the correspondent population.
Billing and payment
The payment of the periodic invoices of the service will be carried out preferably by the direct debit system, failing that, you can use the following means of payment:
1) On-Line bill payment with a bank card.
2) Payment at a collaborating bank (if the invoice is on time and includes a barcode for this purpose)
3) With bank card at EMIVASA offices, on business days and during office hours. (Contact)
The payment of regular invoices service is best carried out by direct banking debit; failing that, at the offices of the Supplying entity, weekdays in office hours.
- Through this webpage under the section of bank direct debit of the Virtual Office (requires a digital certificate and be the holder of the subscription)
- Through our customer service number (96.386.06.00)
- In any of our customer service offices
- Major COMFORT without displacement or queues.
- Total CONTROL on payments regularity done to your bank account.
- Major PEACE. For any returns from a bank, we will send a notification letter about the situation so you can reactivate your bank details in our customer service telephone.
- SPEED in the procedures that you want to perform. Using our customer service telephone you can funnel multiple actions through your bank direct debit.
- Transparency in the information on what you pay for. You will receive from your bank an excerpt detailing the consumption and billed items.
- SAFETY. With bank direct debit, there's a proof of the bill payer.
- FREE.We charge of your receipts without surcharges.
The voluntary payment period is 30 days from the date of invoice.
The applicable rates for water suppy in your municipality are available for consultation in:
- Telephone Number: +34 963 860 600
- Time period : Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 20:00, excluding holidays.
The supplying entity may suspend the supply to their subscribers or users if they do not satisfy the amounts for services, as stipulated in the supply contract or policy, within the stated period. This is without prejudice to unpaid invoices incurring urgency for collection through execution.
After the deadline from the date of outage, if the outstanding receipts are still not paid by the subscriber, the contract will be terminated, also without prejudice to the rights of Supplying Entity to demand payment of debt and compensation of damages that may be incurred.
All of the outstanding invoices ought to be paid in full, plus the invoice for replacement of service as long as the meter has not been withdrawn; in this be the case, a new susbscription needs to be asked for again.
While the amount of water loss from an incorrectly closed cistern may seem small, up to 8640 litres may be lost in just 24 hours.
A piece of measuring equipment which calculates water consumption.
It is a mechanical device that records water consumption.
These events usually occur late morning or early afternoon, when impersonating our operators’ identity.
- Our staff is properly uniformed and identified.
- They never require direct payment to residents of any amount for revision or substitution or for the maintenance of meters.
In the event that, despite all precautions, meters are stolen, we inform the process of work for restitution:
- Our CustomerServiceCallCenter needs to receive quick notice of subtraction of meters in a building; a work order is then generated whereby we will proceed to replace the stolen meter with the appropriate device as soon as possible (usually on the same day).
- On the following working day after the replacement, our Customer Service Dept. will contact the affected holders, to resolve administrative matters and strict cost billing of the installed meter, no more concepts.
Finally, we wish to remind you that Global Omnium, aimed at providing the best service to its customers, operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, making available customer service telephones (963860600, working days from 8:00 to 20:00 hours for commercial attention, and 963860638 24 hours a day, for breakdowns and emergencies) and its website, where you can perform the necessary arrangements.
Meters are mechanical measuring devices with a limited lifespan. Exceeding it decreases its accuracy and increases the risk of or overcounting, submetering and locking and obstructions, causing the decrease of the effective pressure at the domicile.
While overcounting impairs the subscriber because higher than reality readings occurs, submetering is detrimental not only because it gives rise to uncontrolled consumption of a scarce resource such as water, but which also causes an economic imbalance in the service which, if any, shall be borne by all subscribers. It is fairier and more equitable that each subscriber pays according to the consumption actually performed.
The staff of the company is identified with the corresponding card company, which will be required to show to the subscriber whenever it is requested. If in doubt about the identity of the operator you can contact our customer service phone (963860600) to confirm.
An official verification of the meter is made through an official laboratory. The subscriber may request the Supply Company to conduct this test, provided the subscriber is not satisfied with the results of the tests carried out by the supplier. The amount of the verification will be paid by the subscriber, and in the event that tests conducted by the official laboratory determine that the counter is not working properly or overcounting, these costs will be returned to the subscriber by the Supply Company.
Softener, for its proper operation, uses a certain amount of water that is subsequently discarded in order to eliminate lime through the drain in what is called the regeneration process.
As these devices are placed in the feeding tube before the community meters, the waste water is not accounted for by any measuring device, a fact which constitutes fraud.
To avoid this situation, and as indicated in the Basic Document of Health (Technical Building Code) HS4 for Water Supply, in its paragraph Installation of decalcification devices, the softener must always be installed after a meter that will, in this case record both water consumed by the softener as well as consumed by households (as recorded by the divisional accountants). That is why hiring this counter is required.
To calculate and bill the corresponding consumption of the water softener, this reading is detracted from the consumption recorded by the sum of consumptions recorded by the divisional accountants, which had already been billed individually to each home.
Notifications and letters received
In such a letter, signalling loss of bank details, we inform you that your bank has returned invoices, and from the date indicated, direct bank debit has lapsed and therefore no more receipts have been charged to your account
To file a direct bank debit again to pay the bills again, and avoid starting the process of cuts to the service, you must contact us through our customer service telephone (963860600) or through any of our service offices open to the public.
In the letter of suspension of supply we inform you that the voluntary period of payment for the mentioned invoice/s is over, and that the process of suspension of supply, endorsed by the local City Hall, has begun to stop supplying your property.
Please contact any of our customer service offices and pay the bills before the due date indicated on the letter.
In the letter of non-availability of actual reading, we state that we do not have an actual meter reading for a period longer than that set in the regulation of service, besides the potential damage that could mean for you with regard to estimated consumptions for such a long period of time.
Please facilitate meter reading via our customer service telephone (963860600) or from the "readings" section of the Virtual Office.
In the letter of high consumption, we inform you that we have lately noticed that there has been a considerable increase in consumption, compared to the usual consumption. This may be due to a read error, a change in consumer habits or by a problem associated with the actual installation.
If it is a correct reading, and there have been no changes in habits, we recommend that you check your indoor installation.
In the letter of formal notice for poor condition, we inform you that we have not been able to change the meter of your subscription, because of some deficiency in your site.
Once the deficiency has been repaired, please contact us by calling our customer service (963860600) to make an appointment for change of meter.
In a letter of fraudulent use, we inform you that you are enjoying a water service illegally, as you do not have a contract with the supplier.
You ought to start the process for contracting, through our customer service offices, customer service telephone number (96.386.06.00) or under the section "supply contract" in the virtual office; this stops the legal and administrative proceedings that started from this situation.
On the other hand, if you are already are a subscriptor, you must contact us through our customer service telephone (96.386.06.00) or at our public customer service offices, to regularize the situation and if necessary have your installation inspected.
Contact us via our leak hotline (96.386.06.38) or via our virtual office to report the leak, or fill out the breakdown form.
You should check the following to determine if this is a problem inside the installation or a problem of the meter:
- The filter taps are not clogged.
- That meter tap and the general inlet tap for the house are fully open.
- Wether there is unsufficient pressure in all faucets of the house.
- If there is a pressure pump in the building, check whether it is working properly.
After checking all the above points, if the water pressure is still insufficient, contact us via our breakdowns telephone number (963860638) or through the virtual office to communicate the failure.
You may easily see whether you have a leak in your installation by carrying out the following test:
During the night when you will no longer be consuming water, with all taps closed, check your meter reading. The following day, before you use any of the taps, check it again. The readings should be the same. If this is not the case it is possible that you have lost water from an interior installation.
The interior water supply facilities in the property are the set of pipes and control elements, actuation and security, which are located after the mains key in the direction of the normal circulation of water flow. Maintenance and conservation of these are the responsibility of the property and not of the supplier, whose responsibility stops at the inlet key located in the street in front of the facade of the supplied building.
Although it seems a small amount, the quantity that is lost from an incorrectly closed cistern can be up to 8640 litres in just 24 hours.
Contact us via our telephone hotline (96.386.06.00).
About Water Quality
If you are supplied by our company, rest assured that not only relevant legislation is complied with, but that we go beyond, investing greater water security through the implementation of numerous additional controls to those required by legislation, processes and systems certification of quality management to which it is subjected.
So, Global Omnium is already a national reference in managing water quality as it has the ISO 17025 standard, that enables it to act as an official inspection agency to assess and verify the quality of surface marine and continental wastewaters.
Health criteria for the quality of water for human consumption in Spain are legislated by Royal Decree 140/2003, a rule which is supplemented by regional legislation through Decrees. Currently, you can check any particular water analysis, as well as the parameters determined through the National Information System on Drinkable Water Consumption or SINAC, a health information system that collects data on the characteristics of supply and water quality for human consumption supplied to the Spanish population.
Global Omnium is responsible for providing laboratory services since 1994. It is a national reference in the field of water analysis, which serves both private companies (Ford, Oscar Mayer, Heineken) as well as the public administrations. A company that performs 300,000 tests and 32,000 analytical reports a year to provide quality service to meet the demands of users.
Any kind of complaint or incident can be claim by the ownership of the supply or an authorized person. You can make a claim through the followings ways: customer service line, Virtual Office, our local offices, postal mail or e-mail. All required information is available in the Contact section.
- If you want to check the rates that apply in your town, click on the following link: Supply
Collected on behalf of the Generalitat Valenciana destined to cover the cost of the treatment and purification of wastewater as well as the construction of Wastewater Treatment Stations (WWTPs). Wastewater that must be treated and purified so that it is not harmful to our environment. The Generalitat Valenciana is the institution in charge of the construction of adequate facilities for this purpose as well as their operation and maintenance. It consists of a service fee and a consumption fee that depends on the m3 of water consumed.
TAX RECOVERY 2023/2026 (Deferral, installments without interest):
The fixed and variable quotas of the sanitation fee reported for the measured or estimated consumption made from August 2022 to July 2023, both inclusive, will be required on the receipts or invoices issued during the months following July 31 2023 by means of identical fractions, until 30/09/2026 (Law 11/2023)
More information on the EPSAR WEBSITE.
Fee for provisions of Metropolitan Service of Treatment and Elimination of Urban Waste.
This is the fee for the use of the metropolitan service of treatment and elimination of urban waste. It it is regulated by the Fiscal Order published in the Official Bulletin of the Province of Valencia, 28th August 2008. The current tariff was published in the bulletin nº 306 dated 24th December 2014, the bulletin nº 250 of 31st December 2015 and the bulletin nº 246 of 27th December 2017.
This is a different free from what we pay for general rubbish collection because it is destined at the treatment and valuing of urban waste as well as its elimination via compost parks, eco-sites and elimination plants.
This fee is obligatory in all private homes and businesses.
The Metropolitan Entity for the Treatment of Residue, which in agreement with the objectives established by the local government, via the sector regulations and in accordance with planning bodies, it deals with eco-parks, landfill sites, waste treatment plants valuing plants and composting plants.
EMTRE is operative in the metropolitan areas of València, including the following villages: Alaquàs, Albal, AlbalatdelsSorells, Alboraya, Albuixech, Alcàsser, Aldaia, Alfafar, Alfara del Patriarca, Almàssera, Benetússer, Beniparrell, Bonrepòs i Mirambell, Burjassot, Catarroja, Emperador, Foios, Godella, Llocnou de la Corona, Manises, Massalfassar, Massamagrell, Massanassa, Meliana, Mislata, Moncada, Museros, Paiporta, Paterna, Picanya, Picassent, La Pobla de Farnals, Puçol, El Puig, Quart de Poblet, Rafelbuñol, Rocafort, San Antonio de Benagéber, Sedaví, Silla, TavernesBlanques, Torrent, València, Vinalesa and Xirivella.
The quota of the tariff is established in the following quantities:
1.- Private homes, where there are 5 stretches of consumption:
- Stretch A Up to 50 m3/year 33,00 €/year, equivalent to 2,75 €/month
- Stretch B More than 50 m3/year and up to 65 m3/year 35,00 €/year, equivalent to 2,92 €/month
- Stretch C More than 65 m3/year and up to 90m3/year 108,00 €/year, equivalent to 9 €/month
- Stretch C More than 90 m3/year and up to 195m3/year 111,00 €/year, equivalent to 9,25 €/month
- Stretch C More than 195 m3/year 226,00 €/year, equivalent to 18,83 €/month
2.- Neighbourhood communities, staircase services where there are 3 stretches of consumption:
- Stretch EA Up to 10 m3/year 20,00 €/year, equivalent to 1,67 €/month
- Stretch EB More than 10 m3/year and up to 100 m3/year 100,00 €/year, equivalent to 8,33 €/month
- Stretch EC More than 100 m3/year 240,00 €/year, equivalent to 20,00 €/month
3.- Economic activities:
3.1.- The following groups are determined according to the generation of waste:
Group 1: Include the following:
- Bars, cafes, ice cream parlours: 672-673-674-675-676
- Hotels with no restaurant, bar or other catering service: 681-682-683-684 and 685
Group 2: include the following:
- Small food business: 641-642-643-644 y 647
- Plant and flower business: 659.7
- Sports installations 967.1 and 968.1
- Education centres without canteen: 931.3-932 and 933
- Guesthouses without restaurant but with bar or other service: 681-682-683-684-685-686-687
- Discos, dance halls or other recreational centre 965.1-965.2-965.5-969.1-969.2-969.3-969.4-969.5-969.6-981 and 963.1
Group 3: Include the following:
- Supermarkets or similar: 661.1-661.2-661.3-662.1-662.2
Group 4: Include the following:
- Restaurants and catering: 671-677
- Educaiton centres without canteen: 931.1-931.2-931.4-931.5 and 952
Group 5: Include the following:
- Hotels with restaurant: 681-682-683 y 684
- Hospitals, clinics and human medicine centres: 941
- Halls of residence and nursing homes: 935
- Assistance and social services in nursing homes: 951
- Prisons and military barracks (don’t pay trade income tax, but tax yes)
Group 6: Include the rest of the economic activities which are not included in this list.
3.2.-For each group the following stretches of consumption are applied:
Group 1 | Stretch A | 0-195 m3 | 176,00€ | 14,67€ |
Group 1 | Stretch B | More than 195 m3 | 264,00€ | 22,00€ |
Group 2 | Stretch A | 0-150 m3 | 239,00€ | 19,92€ |
Group 2 | Stretch B | 150-275 m3 | 380,00€ | 31,67€ |
Group 2 | Stretch C | More than 275 m3 | 760,00€ | 63,33€ |
Group 3 | Stretch A | 0-195 m3 | 309,00€ | 25,75€ |
Group 3 | Stretch B | More than 195 m3 | 927,00€ | 77,25€ |
Group 4 | Stretch A | 0-130 m3 | 309,00€ | 25,75€ |
Group 4 | Stretch B | 130-260 m3 | 463,50€ | 38,63€ |
Group 4 | Stretch C | 260-600 m3 | 927,00€ | 77,25€ |
Group 4 | Stretch D | 600-1.200 m3 | 1.854,00€ | 154,50€ |
Group 4 | Stretch E | 1.200-6.000 m3 | 3.708,00€ | 309,00€ |
Group 4 | Stretch F | 6.000-12.000 m3 | 7.416,00€ | 618,00€ |
Group 4 | Stretch G | More than 12.000 m3 | 14.832,00€ | 1.236,00€ |
Group 5 | Stretch A | 0-130 m3 | 386,00€ | 32,17€ |
Group 5 | Stretch B | 130-260 m3 | 579,00€ | 48,25€ |
Group 5 | Stretch C | 260-600 m3 | 772,00€ | 64,33€ |
Group 5 | Stretch D | 600-1.200 m3 | 1.544,00€ | 128,67€ |
Group 5 | Stretch E | 1.200-6.000 m3 | 3.600,00€ | 300,00€ |
Group 5 | Stretch F | 6.000-12.000 m3 | 7.200,00€ | 600,00€ |
Group 5 | Stretch G | 12.000-18.000 m3 | 10.800,00€ | 900,00€ |
Group 5 | Stretch H | 18.000-24.000 m3 | 14.400,00€ | 1.200,00€ |
Group 5 | Stretch I | 24.000-50.000 m3 | 21.600,00€ | 1.800,00€ |
Group 5 | Stretch J | More than 50.000 m3 | 25.920,00€ | 2.160,00€ |
Group 6 | Single stretch | Single | 113,00€ | 9,42€ |
4.- General meters
In residences, offices or commercial centres or galleries which have a general meter, this tax will be calculated as a sum of as many residences and or independent places which use waters from the main meter with the corresponding tariff, whether that may be a private house or economic activity and stretch of tariff to apply to each case in accordance with the total consumption for the 12 months prior to the 30th September of the previous year to the income of the rate of the general meter between residences and or areas under consideration.
The annual quota is divided into equal parts between all your water bills throughout the year.
Entitat Metropolitana per al Tractament de Residus (EMTRE)
Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 9
Attend in person only by appointment
Tel. 963.533.790