
Water, once consumed and collected by the sewerage networks is treated to be sent back to nature or used for other functions. This process is done in Waste Water Treatment Plants (EDARs, standing for Estaciones Depuradoras de Aguas Residuales).

Global Omnium has become a reference in this matter as it manages 352 wastewater plants distributed throughout Spain, with all kinds of technologies and processes available for treatment meeting the needs of 2,7 million people. In them, more than 260 hm3 of water are treated, and more than 3,000 tons of CO2 -that would be emitted into the atmosphere are reduced.

The wastewater treated in these facilities, ensure that subsequent compliance with current legal requirements are met. Global Omnium has accumulated extensive experience in the design, planning, construction, expansion and rehabilitation operations of Wastewater Treatment Plants in both small and medium and large municipalities.

Our Treatment Plants are able to treat a flow equivalent to a population of almost one million inhabitants thanks to enjoying all of the existing technologies in the market. Amongst the main treatment processes managed we find: