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Want to become a supplier of Global Omnium?
Global Omnium disposes of a registration and classification service for providers. This register has two levels; Level 1 basic for providers with basic products and/or services and Level 2 Repro for providers whose products or services may prove critical for our organization.
Once registered the provider must update their details whenever a modification occurs, or if not, once yearly, via the following link. Modification/Update details.
The registration process is the following:
1.- Before accessing the link that will allow you to complete the questionnaire, read the following instructions carefully which will facilitate the registration process
a) Acceptance will require the annexing of a scanned copy of your Tax Identification card, bank certificate and completed model 036.
b) We enclose a link to the questionnaire of basic registration so that you can familiarize yourself with the necessary information before completion.
2.- Access the Register of providers and complete questionnaire.
3.-If the product and or service are considered Level 1, the provider will be registered.
4.-If the product and or service is considered Repro Level 2, Achilles will contact the provider to initiate the subsequent steps in the extended registration process, which will culminate in the classification of provider to Global Omnium.